Relief From All Hardships


Solve All Your Problems with Ayat E Kareema: The Power of Reciting Tasbi E Yunus 125,000 Times.The famous dua known as Tasbi E Yunus is:

"La ilaha illa anta, Subhanaka, Inni kuntu minaz-zalimin"

(There is none worthy of worship besides You, You are exalted and above all weaknesses, surely, I am from among the wrongdoers).

This powerful supplication was recited by Prophet Yunus (AS) while he was in the belly of the fish/whale, as described in Surah Al-Anbiya (21:87-88).


AMAL of Ayat E Kareema

The number 125,000 has been recommended by various saints of Allah based on their wisdom and experience. Many people have found immense benefit from this practice. By reciting this Tasbi, you can seek to fulfill any valid and lawful need or resolve numerous issues, including:

1. Fulfill Any Need: Whatever your lawful and valid desires are, this recitation can help you achieve them.

2. Overcome Difficulties: Whether personal or professional, you can find relief from hardships.

3. Resolve Marriage Issues: Address and resolve marital conflicts and issues.

4. Financial Relief: Overcome poverty, clear heavy debts, and gain wealth.

5. Employment: Secure a good job or find new employment opportunities.

6. Legal Victory: Win court cases or gain release from imprisonment.

7.Blessed with Children: For those seeking to have children.

8.Overcome Famine and Drought: Address and alleviate the impacts of famine and drought.

9. Request Rain: Pray for rain during times of drought.

10. Defeat Enemies: Overpower enemies and tyrant leaders.

11. Health: Treat deadly and incurable diseases and sicknesses.

12. Cure Magic: Nullify the effects of any type of magic.

13. Exorcism: Drive out jinn from the body or homes.

14. Protection from Sorcery: Stop black magicians and their helpers from causing harm.


Organizing Amal at Ajmer Sharif Devotees have asked their duago (khadims) to organize the amal of Ayat E Kareema at the revered Ajmer Sharif Dargah to ease their hardships. Addition to this Khatam-e-Quran and Khatam-e-Khwajagan are also conducted at Ajmer Sharif Dargah. A hadia (offering) is given to the khadims to facilitate the organization of this powerful spiritual practice. InshaAllah, through the regular and devoted recitation of Tasbi E Yunus, one can find solutions to these problems. Incorporate this practice into your daily life and witness the transformative power of sincere dua.